Abbas is proud of his role in the Munich Massacre.
Palestinian President Abbas: Paymaster of 1972 Munich Massacre Terrorists
Palestinian Authority Chairman Abbas financed the Abu Daoud/Black September terror call to murder 11 Israeli Olympic athletes in Munich in 1972. Read the reports, then decide.
Wikipedia reports that:
“As a commander of Black September, Abu Daoud was the mastermind behind the Munich massacre. While he planned the operation, he did not personally take part in it. The day before the operation commenced on 5 September 1972, Abu Daoud briefed the assassination squad and issued final instructions over dinner in a restaurant at the Munich railway station. . .
“The Munich massacre was an attack during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, West Germany, targetting 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team, who were taken hostage and eventually killed. . . Shortly after the crisis began, they demanded the release of 234 prisoners held in Israeli jails. . .
“The following Israeli Olympians were murdered either by the terrorists themselves or in the attempt to free them: Moshe Weinberg (age 33, wrestling coach); Yossef Romano (age 32, weightlifter); Ze’ev Friedman (age 28, weightlifter); David Berger (age 28, weightlifter); Yakov Springer (age 51, weightlifting judge); Eliezer Halfin (age 24, wrestler); Yossef Gutfreund (age 40, wrestling referee); Kehat Shorr (age 53, shooting coach); Mark Slavin (age 18, wrestler); Andre Spitzer (age 27, fencing coach); and Amitzur Shapira (age 40, track coach).
“In 1999, Daoud published “Memoirs of a Palestinian Terrorist,” in which Daoud describes how he planned and executed the 1972 Olympic attack where 11 Israeli athletes were murdered. In 1999, Abu Daoud was awarded the Palestinian Prize for Culture for his book “Memoirs of a Palestinian Terrorist,” for which he received 10,000 French Francs as prize money.”
Despite having published his own public confession of the Munich terror attack, Daoud was not assassinated by Israel.
“According to Ankie Spitzer, widow of fencing coach Andre, ‘He [Abu Daoud] didn’t pay the price for what he did.’
In 2006, Abu Daoud gave several personal interviews after the release of the Steven Spielberg film ‘Munich’ revived discussions of the massacre. Abu Daoud remained unrepentant regarding his role in the Munich attacks, stating on Germany’s Spiegel TV, ‘I regret nothing. You can only dream that I would apologize.’
In an Associated Press interview, he [Abu Daoud] legitimized the operation given its success, declaring, ‘Before Munich, we were simply terrorists. After Munich, at least people started asking who are these terrorists? What do they want? Before Munich, nobody had the slightest idea about Palestine.’
Shortly before Daoud’s death, he said in a farewell statement to Israelis, ‘Today, I cannot fight you anymore, but my grandson will and his grandson too.’

Abu Daoud legitimized the operation given its success, declaring, ‘Before Munich, we were simply terrorists. After Munich, at least people started asking who are these terrorists? What do they want? Before Munich, nobody had the slightest idea about Palestine.’

In the August 22, 2002 issue of Sports Illustrated (SI), in an article about Abu Daoud, entitled “The Mastermind” (meaning Daoud had already admitted in his 1999 “Memoirs of a Palestinian Terrorist” book that he was the mastermind, planner and architect of the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre of 11 Israeli Olympic athletes), SI reported the following:
“In late July, SI’s Don Yaeger went to the Middle East to find the 72-year-old Abu Daoud. After five days in Syria, where he met with leaders of several Palestinian groups, including the Palestinian Authority, PA president Yasir Arafat’s Fatah faction and the militant Hamas, Yaeger received a call from Abu Daoud, who said he was in Cyprus. Abu Daoud, who would not reveal where he resides—saying only that he lives with his wife on a pension provided by the PA—agreed to answer written questions. Among his claims, in his memoir and to SI, are these:
“Though he wasn’t involved in conceiving or implementing it, ‘the [ Munich] operation had the endorsement of Arafat.’ Arafat is not known to have responded to the allegations in Abu Daoud’s book. In May 1972 four Black Septembrists hijacked a Sabena flight from Brussels to Tel Aviv, hoping to free comrades from Israeli jails. But Israeli special forces stormed the plane, killing or capturing all the terrorists and freeing every passenger, leaving Arafat, by Abu Daoud’s account, desperate to boost morale in the refugee camps by showing that Israel was vulnerable.
“Though he didn’t know what the money was being spent for, longtime Fatah official Mahmoud Abbas, a.k.a. Abu Mazen [the current President of Palestine], was responsible for the financing of the Munich attack. Abu Mazen could not be reached for comment regarding Abu Daoud’s allegation.
“After Oslo in 1993, Abu Mazen went to the White House Rose Garden for a photo op with Arafat, President Bill Clinton and Israel’s Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres. ‘Do you think that…would have been possible if the Israelis had known that Abu Mazen was the financier of our operation?’ Abu Daoud writes. ‘I doubt it.’ Today the Bush Administration seeks a Palestinian negotiating partner ‘uncompromised by terror,’ yet last year Abu Mazen met in Washington with Secretary of State Colin Powell.”
On 3 July 2010, the then-Chairman of the Palestinian Authority/President of Palestine, Abbas wrote in a condolence letter to Daoud’s family, “He is missed. He was one of the leading figures of Fatah and spent his life in resistance and sincere work as well as physical sacrifice for the people’s just causes.”
The next day, 4 July 2010, Palestinian President Abbas made the following public announcement of condolences for Abu Daoud:
“The official PA daily:
Headline: ‘The President [Abbas] expresses condolences over the death of the fighters Muhammad Oudeh and Ja’afar Shadid…’
‘President Mahmoud Abbas sent a telegram of condolences yesterday over the death of the great fighter Muhammad Daoud Oudeh, ‘Abu Daoud,’ who died just before reaching 70. The telegram of condolences read: ‘The deceased was one of the prominent leaders of the Fatah movement and lived a life filled with the struggle, devoted effort, and the enormous sacrifice of the deceased for the sake of the legitimate problem of his people, in many spheres. He was at the forefront on every battlefield, with the aim of defending the [Palestinian] revolution. What a wonderful brother, companion, tough and stubborn, relentless fighter.’
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 4, 2010]”
So there you have it. Palestine President Abbas was and is the unrepentant and proud bagman for one of the vilest Palestinian terrorist acts in the history of Israel. Yet, the Israeli government is ceding him and his fellow-terrorists land from which they will attempt and G-d forbid, succeed in murdering more Jews.
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