Israel is the small sliver like peach colored area between Egypt and Syria (might be a bit difficult to see)
It always makes me laugh that Arabs use the same name as the Romans with the same goal in mind; to try to strip the Jews of their natural right to the Land of Israel!
When Germany was defeated, so were the Turks. In 1916 control of the southern portion of their Ottoman Empire was "mandated" to France and Britain under the Sykes-Picot Agreement, which divided the Arab region into zones of influence. Lebanon and Syria were assigned (mandated) to France... and "Palestine" (today's Jordan, Israel and "West Bank") was mandated to Great Britain.
Enough boring facts, let’s get to the chase. The whole world is screaming at Israel for occupying Palestine. A treacherous story is told. The Zionists came into Palestine and with great cruelty ran the Palestinians out of their prosperous thousand year old State. If this were true I would probably be a pro Palestine supporter myself! How can one possible sit by and watch a nation that was stripped of their land by intruding forces?! Unfortunately for them and very fortunate for the people of Israel the story of this great land is quite different.
Let’s go back to the beginning. No, not to Abraham or Moses, I am not going to bore you with bible facts , which would be too easy. Let’s go back to when Palestine was first founded. No, it was not an Arab country or State; in fact it had absolutely nothing to do with the Arabs.
In 539 B.C. the Persians conquered the Babylonians. The Jewish Temple, destroyed by the Babylonians, was rebuilt (516 BC). Under Persian rule the Jewish state enjoyed considerable autonomy. Alexander the Great of Macedon, conquered the area in 333 BC His successors, the Ptolemies and Seleucids, contested for control. The attempt of the Seleucid Antiochus IV (Antiochus Epiphanes) to impose Hellenism brought a Jewish revolt under the Maccabees, who set up a new Jewish state in 142 BC The state lasted until 63 BC, when Pompey conquered the region for Rome
When Jesus was around, the Jewish state was ruled by puppet kings of the Romans, the Herods. When the Jews revolted in 66 AD, the Romans destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem (70 AD). The Bar Kokba revolt between 132 and 135 AD was also suppressed, Jericho and Bethlehem were destroyed, and the Jews were barred from Jerusalem. The Roman Emperor Hadrian determined to wipe out the identity of Israel-Judah-Judea. Therefore, he took the name Palastina and imposed it on all the Land of Israel. At the same time, he changed the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina. The Romans killed many Jews and sold many more in slavery. Some of those who survived left the devastated country (and established Jewish communities throughout the Middle East) but there was never a complete abandonment of the Land of Israel.
In other words when the Roman empire conquered or occupied the Land of Israel from the JEWS they renamed it Palestine in an attempt to strip the Nation of Israel from their natural right to the land of Israel.

Let’s fast forward a bit to Islamic times. From 1517-1917 Turkey's Ottoman Empire controlled a vast Arab empire, a portion of which is today Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine. During World War I (1914-1918), Turkey supported Germany.
When Germany was defeated, so were the Turks. In 1916 control of the southern portion of their Ottoman Empire was "mandated" to France and Britain under the Sykes-Picot Agreement, which divided the Arab region into zones of influence. Lebanon and Syria were assigned (mandated) to France... and "Palestine" (today's Jordan, Israel and "West Bank") was mandated to Great Britain.
Because no other peoples had ever established a national homeland in "Palestine" since the Jews were exiled 2,000 years before, the British "looked favorably" upon the creation of a Jewish National Homeland throughout ALL of Palestine. The Jews had already begun mass immigration into Palestine in the 1880's in an effort to rid the land of swamps and malaria and prepare for the rebirth of Israel. This Jewish effort to revitalize the land attracted an equally large immigration of Arabs from neighboring areas who were drawn by employment opportunities and healthier living conditions. There was never any attempt to "rid" the area of what few indigenous Arabs there were or those Arab masses thatimmigrated into this area along with the Jews!
The Balfour declaration of 1917 clearly states the Establishment of a Jewish homeland in the area known as Palestine. There was no split between the West and East bank of the Jordan River and the Jewish State was to be established on what was known as British Palestine, all of it.
Although Britain promised a Jewish homeland throughout the area known as Palestine His Majesty betrayed those promises in 1922.

What was promised to be the Jewish homeland of over 40,000 sq miles was now only 8,000 sq ml. This deceitful betrayal of the British Mandate towards the Jews faced absolutely no consequence. There was no Jewish uprising against the British, no terrorist attacks or murders. The Jews were happy with the 8000 sq. ml. homeland that was now promised to them.
From 1946 the State known as Jordan occupied what was 85% of British Mandate Palestine. The West side of the Jordan River was left for the Jewish homeland.
From 1946 the State known as Jordan occupied what was 85% of British Mandate Palestine. The West side of the Jordan River was left for the Jewish homeland.
Things could have ended there and we all could have lived happily ever after. However the Muslim population was not comfortable with Jews in the area.
Over the next 20 years Arabs murdered raped and violently terrorized Jewish communities in the area of British Palestine. The most famous of the massacres took place in the City of Hebron. 67 Jews viscously murdered by Arab rioters. The murders took place with the help of axes, rocks and knives. The Jewish population of Hebron was violently liquidated for the holy city of Hebron. Several Women were raped by Muslim rioters and others beheaded.
![]() |
Hebron Jew had his hand chopped off by an Arab axe |
On November 29th, 1947 the General assembly of the UN adopted a plan to Partition the 15% of what was left of Palestine in order to create a SECOND Arab State in Palestine alongside a small Jewish one.
The UN’s second partition of Palestine left the Jewish homeland with a mini State alongside an Arab Jordan and a second Arab State on the Eastern side of the Jordan River.
This Partition plan was a terrible slap in the face to the Zionist movement. The Jewish State would be tiny and the holy cities Jerusalem and Hebron would not be included.
The nation of Israel had waited two thousand years to come home and were not about to miss the opportunity to rebuild the Land of Israel. With mix feelings the Jews accepted the UN partition plan which left only 6% of what was originally promised to the Jews by the British.
Not surprisingly it was the Arabs who refused the Partition Plan. This refusal was not about land or about refugees or walls or occupation. It was about the refusal of Arabs to accept a Jewish State, anywhere and any size.
Let there not be any misunderstanding. It was not the Palestinian nation, State or leadership that refused the Partition. It was the Arab League. There was never an Arab Palestinian State or Government in the Area known as Palestine.

There were several official Palestinian objects which would give witness to a Palestinian entity.
Unfortunately for those who call themselves Palestinian, all these items are JEWISH! The Palestine Post was a JEWISH newspaper as was the Bank of Palestine. In fact there is absoloutely no record of anything Arab that would hint to an Arab Palestine Government or State.
That’s simply because there never was such an entity!
That’s simply because there never was such an entity!

This flag did NOT exist officially till 1964
![]() |
Egyptian born Yasser Arafat was the first ever Palestine Government official in history. This happened in 1964 |

Top right - 1948 Arab Invasion / Top Left - 1956 Arab Invasion
Bottom Left 1967 Arab Invasion / 1973 Arab Invasion
Over the past 64 years of Israel’s existence she had to fight numerous wars. Neither of them involved a Palestinian army.
After the 1948 Arabinvasion of Israel and for the next 18 years the Arabs had control over the whole west bank, Gaza, Sinai and Jerusalem. In those 18 years there was never an attempt or even a request to declare a Palestinian State on the land conquered by the Arab armies.
Jerusalem was in the hand of Jordan, Gaza belonged to Egypt and the Golan Heights was part of Syria.
Ignoring the fact that Israel liberated these areas after the Arab armies attacked again in 1967, the Palestinians have absolutely nothing to do with the GREEN LINE and Israel simply never occupied an Arab Palestine.
The next time you chose to argue with me (Israel_shield) on twitter, or scream from the top of your lungs that Israel “Occupied” Palestine I am going to kindly ask you to check your history.
Palestinian propaganda has lied to the world long enough. One would expect of institutions like the UN to learn history and not allow the Arabs to fabricate it in order to intentionally hold on to an anti Israel opinions.
To show appreciation to IDF soldiers who will be on duty during the Jewish holidays I will be delivering water packs to at least 200 soldiers in elite IDF units. Each pack cost only $25 and we are still missing some sponsors. Click on the link below or on the water pack
To show appreciation to IDF soldiers who will be on duty during the Jewish holidays I will be delivering water packs to at least 200 soldiers in elite IDF units. Each pack cost only $25 and we are still missing some sponsors. Click on the link below or on the water pack
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***Special opportunity at the end of the post to say 'Thank you' to IDF soldiers***
The Middle East is a mess. I don’t think there’s a person reading this blog who doesn’t understand the mess and the danger that looms over the Middle East. You might be inclined to think I was referring to the mess between Israel and what is commonly called Palestine. NOPE! The Middle East is much bigger than a country whose area is a small 8000 sq. miles. Some of you might not even know what the Middle East looks like. So here you go; a map of the Middle East. Try to find Israel
Israel is the small sliver like peach colored area between Egypt and Syria (might be a bit difficult to see)
Enough boring facts, let’s get to the chase. The whole world is screaming at Israel for occupying Palestine. A treacherous story is told. The Zionists came into Palestine and with great cruelty ran the Palestinians out of their prosperous thousand year old State. If this were true I would probably be a pro Palestine supporter myself! How can one possible sit by and watch a nation that was stripped of their land by intruding forces?! Unfortunately for them and very fortunate for the people of Israel the story of this great land is quite different.
Let’s go back to the beginning. No, not to Abraham or Moses, I am not going to bore you with bible facts , which would be too easy. Let’s go back to when Palestine was first founded. No, it was not an Arab country or State; in fact it had absolutely nothing to do with the Arabs.
In 539 B.C. the Persians conquered the Babylonians. The Jewish Temple, destroyed by the Babylonians, was rebuilt (516 BC). Under Persian rule the Jewish state enjoyed considerable autonomy. Alexander the Great of Macedon, conquered the area in 333 BC His successors, the Ptolemies and Seleucids, contested for control. The attempt of the Seleucid Antiochus IV (Antiochus Epiphanes) to impose Hellenism brought a Jewish revolt under the Maccabees, who set up a new Jewish state in 142 BC The state lasted until 63 BC, when Pompey conquered the region for Rome
When Jesus was around, the Jewish state was ruled by puppet kings of the Romans, the Herods. When the Jews revolted in 66 AD, the Romans destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem (70 AD). The Bar Kokba revolt between 132 and 135 AD was also suppressed, Jericho and Bethlehem were destroyed, and the Jews were barred from Jerusalem. The Roman Emperor Hadrian determined to wipe out the identity of Israel-Judah-Judea. Therefore, he took the name Palastina and imposed it on all the Land of Israel. At the same time, he changed the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina. The Romans killed many Jews and sold many more in slavery. Some of those who survived left the devastated country (and established Jewish communities throughout the Middle East) but there was never a complete abandonment of the Land of Israel.
In other words when the Roman empire conquered or occupied the Land of Israel from the JEWS they renamed it Palestine in an attempt to strip the Nation of Israel from their natural right to the land of Israel.
It always makes me laugh that Arabs use the same name as the Romans with the same goal in mind; to try to strip the Jews of their natural right to the Land of Israel!
Let’s fast forward a bit to Islamic times. From 1517-1917 Turkey's Ottoman Empire controlled a vast Arab empire, a portion of which is today Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine. During World War I (1914-1918), Turkey supported Germany.
When Germany was defeated, so were the Turks. In 1916 control of the southern portion of their Ottoman Empire was "mandated" to France and Britain under the Sykes-Picot Agreement, which divided the Arab region into zones of influence. Lebanon and Syria were assigned (mandated) to France... and "Palestine" (today's Jordan, Israel and "West Bank") was mandated to Great Britain.
Because no other peoples had ever established a national homeland in "Palestine" since the Jews were exiled 2,000 years before, the British "looked favorably" upon the creation of a Jewish National Homeland throughout ALL of Palestine. The Jews had already begun mass immigration into Palestine in the 1880's in an effort to rid the land of swamps and malaria and prepare for the rebirth of Israel. This Jewish effort to revitalize the land attracted an equally large immigration of Arabs from neighboring areas who were drawn by employment opportunities and healthier living conditions. There was never any attempt to "rid" the area of what few indigenous Arabs there were or those Arab masses that immigrated into this area along with the Jews!
This is what Palestine looked like during the British Mandate.
The Balfour declaration of 1917 clearly states the Establishment of a Jewish homeland in the area known as Palestine. There was no split between the West and East bank of the Jordan River and the Jewish State was to be established on what was known as British Palestine, all of it.
Although Britain promised a Jewish homeland throughout the area known as Palestine His Majesty betrayed those promises in 1922.
In September 1922 the Council of the League of Nations recognized Transjordan as a state under the British Mandate and Transjordan memorandum excluded the territories east of the River Jordan from all of the provisions of the mandate dealing with Jewish settlement. The country remained under British supervision until 1946.
What was promised to be the Jewish homeland of over 40,000 sq miles was now only 8,000 sq ml. This deceitful betrayal of the British Mandate towards the Jews faced absolutely no consequence. There was no Jewish uprising against the British, no terrorist attacks or murders. The Jews were happy with the 8000 sq. ml. homeland that was now promised to them.
From 1946 the State known as Jordan occupied what was 85% of British Mandate Palestine. The West side of the Jordan River was left for the Jewish homeland.
Things could have ended there and we all could have lived happily ever after. However the Muslim population was not comfortable with Jews in the area.
Over the next 20 years Arabs murdered raped and violently terrorized Jewish communities in the area of British Palestine. The most famous of the massacres took place in the City of Hebron. 67 Jews viscously murdered by Arab rioters. The murders took place with the help of axes, rocks and knives. The Jewish population of Hebron was violently liquidated for the holy city of Hebron. Several Women were raped by Muslim rioters and others beheaded.
Hebron Jew had his hand chopped off by an Arab axe
On November 29th, 1947 the General assembly of the UN adopted a plan to Partition the 15% of what was left of Palestine in order to create a SECOND Arab State in Palestine alongside a small Jewish one.
The UN’s second partition of Palestine left the Jewish homeland with a mini State alongside an Arab Jordan and a second Arab State on the Eastern side of the Jordan River.
This Partition plan was a terrible slap in the face to the Zionist movement. The Jewish State would be tiny and the holy cities Jerusalem and Hebron would not be included.
The nation of Israel had waited two thousand years to come home and were not about to miss the opportunity to rebuild the Land of Israel. With mix feelings the Jews accepted the UN partition plan which left only 6% of what was originally promised to the Jews by the British.
Not surprisingly it was the Arabs who refused the Partition Plan. This refusal was not about land or about refugees or walls or occupation. It was about the refusal of Arabs to accept a Jewish State, anywhere and any size.
Let there not be any misunderstanding. It was not the Palestinian nation, State or leadership that refused the Partition. It was the Arab League. There was never an Arab Palestinian State or Government in the Area known as Palestine.
There were several official Palestinian objects which would give witness to a Palestinian entity.
Unfortunately for those who call themselves Palestinian, all these items are JEWISH! The Palestine Post was a JEWISH newspaper as was the Bank of Palestine. In fact there is absolutely no record of anything Arab that would hint to an Arab Palestine Government or State.
That’s simply because there never was such an entity!
This flag did NOT exist officially till 1964
Egyptian born Yasser Arafat was the first ever Palestine Government official in history. This happened in 1964
Top right - 1948 Arab Invasion / Top Left - 1956 Arab Invasion
Bottom Left 1967 Arab Invasion / 1973 Arab Invasion
Over the past 64 years of Israel’s existence she had to fight numerous wars. Neither of them involved a Palestinian army.
After the 1948 Arab invasion of Israel and for the next 18 years the Arabs had control over the whole west bank, Gaza, Sinai and Jerusalem. In those 18 years there was never an attempt or even a request to declare a Palestinian State on the land conquered by the Arab armies.
This is a map of the Armistice lines after the 1948 Arab invasion of Israel. This is what is called the ‘GREEN LINE’. As you can see on the map the Green Line has nothing to do with a Palestinian State or rights of any kind.
Jerusalem was in the hand of Jordan, Gaza belonged to Egypt and the Golan Heights was part of Syria.
Ignoring the fact that Israel liberated these areas after the Arab armies attacked again in 1967, the Palestinians have absolutely nothing to do with the GREEN LINE and Israel simply never occupied an Arab Palestine.
The next time you chose to argue with me (Israel_shield) on twitter, or scream from the top of your lungs that Israel “Occupied” Palestine I am going to kindly ask you to check your history.
Palestinian propaganda has lied to the world long enough. One would expect of institutions like the UN to learn history and not allow the Arabs to fabricate it in order to intentionally hold on to an anti Israel opinions.
God will bless this blog though. Me too, I will surely send and pass this blog further.
You take the time to write a comment but write nothing.
I tell you what, you point out to one lie in this post and I take down the blog.
I created this blog specifically for people like you. See when you come on here with your foul language backed with absolutely no facts, I know I did a good job.
Here is a challenge for you.
You give me the borders of the Palestine Arab State pre Israel, tell who the president was, what was the currency? In fact you can try to bring anything to prove there was an Arab Palestine country, State or any kind of entity I will donate my house to a refugee!
I am waiting......
God bless
I appreciate you taking the time to write a comment. Unfortunately for you, your comment is far from the truth.
1. Please show me any study that shows there were a million Arabs in the area.
2. I wasn't demonizing anyone. There are plenty of peaceful Arabs in Israel. It is not the people it is the actions that I demonize. Jewish immigration to BRITISH Palestine and purchasing of land is no excuse for terror and anyone who does condone such terror is certainly worth demonizing. When one buys land from the the owner those who employed by the former owner have absolutely NO legal claim over the new buyer and certainly have no right to murder or terrorize others.
3. You labelled a people called Palestinians. Historical fact is there NEVER was an Arab Palestine nation or demand or request for an independent Arab Palestine country till 1964.
The Jews agreed to split this land with the partition plan of 1947 and it was the Arabs that refused and opened all out war to destroy Israel. Today there is an Arab country on what was 80% of British Palestine, it's called Jordan. In Jordan there is a majority of people who call themselves Palestinian and they are void of most civil rights there.
The Jews have always included Arabs and the Arab population has grown in Israel over the past 64 years and life expectancy is way longer than their brothers living under Arab rule. 20% of Israel is Arab citizens who have FULL equal rights. If the Arabs would have accepted the partition plan or decided not to start war after war with Israel or would not write charters that call for the destruction of Israel, perhaps both their numbers and their prosperity would be much better.
The debate should start with the fact that an Arab Palestine country NEVER existed and was not occupied and an Arab Palestine demand for an Arab Palestine country did not exist till after 1967! Even during the times when all areas were under Arab rule (1948-1967) there never was an attempt or request to build, recognize or create an independent Arab Palestine country.
Bottom line, as of today there is an Arab country on the majority of what was once known as British Palestine and one Jewish State, now you demand a second Arab state?
True enough, BUT that was due to 400 years of Arab on Jew massacres and ethnic cleansing. The 1517 Hebron pogrom, 1517 Safed pogrom, 1660 destruction of Tiberias, 1660 destruction of Safed, 1834 Safed pogrom, 1838 Druze massacre of Safed, Aleppo Massacre (1850),Nebi Musa riots, Battle of Tel Hai.
How incredible that you would want to reward ethnic cleansing.
What was the population in the early 1800's There are no real records, BUT we do know from some sources that there were very few Arabs, and they were almost all recent immigrants.
There is a book written by a Christian named Relandi, chronicling his trip in the land of Israel in 1695/6.
It shows what the land and the people were like before 1700. At the time, almost the entire Middle East, from Austria through Egypt, was part of the Ottoman Empire (see map at http://www.euratlas.net/history/europe/1700/index.html ).
The countries as we know them today did not exist, but Jewish people were still living in the ancient land of Israel. The area was populated by Jews, some Christians, and a few, mostly nomadic, Arabs.
At that time (1695/6), not one settlement in the Land of Israel has a name that is of Arabic origin. Most of the settlement names originate in the Hebrew, Greek, Latin or Roman languages. In fact, till today, except to Ramlah, not one Arabic settlement has an original Arabic name. Till today, most of the settlements names are of Hebrew or Greek origin, the names distorted to senseless Arabic names. There is no meaning in Arabic to names such as Acco (Acre), Haifa, Jaffa, Nablus, Gaza, or Jenin and towns named Ramallah, El Halil and El-Kuds (Jerusalem) lack historical roots or Arabic philology. In 1696, the year Relandi toured the land, Ramallah, for instance, was called Bet'allah (From the Hebrew name Beit El) and Hebron was called Hebron (Hevron) and the Arabs called Mearat HaMachpelah El Chalil, their name for the Forefather Abraham.
It is with people like you in my mind that I opened this blog.
See, when dealing with the biased press you can have the liberty to enter a forum with your warped fabricated liberal views of history and get away with it. NOT HERE!
As all good liberal do you attempt to cal my views dishonest because I refuse to give in to your terror supporting propaganda.
Your statement about centuries old Palestinians is a perfect example of your biased and fabricated take on history.
There never was an Arab Palestine people, government or even a wish for a national home before Israel. If you want to call the Arabs Ottomans, go ahead but your attempt to write a history of a people that never existed will just not work. Not on my blog at least, try Obama though I think he would buy into your garbage.
Another tactic of liberals like yourself is to justify terror in the name of humanity. You wrote Arab "uprising" in the 30's? Were you talking about the slaughter of men women and children? You sick anmal!
Then you write the Arab "uprising" was a result of Jewish immigration and the purchase of land from Ottoman "lazy" owners?! Are you saying because the rightful owners of the land were lazy and absent that Jews or anyone else don't have a right to purchase it?! Or that such a purchase justifies murder? OH! I am sorry I meant an uprising! Or maybe just a peaceful demonstration! Wasn't Ghandi Palestinian?!
Then you mention the Jewish population count today to justify Arab terror? What are you writing the next chapter to Mein Kamph?
Unlike your Arab friends Israel has never called on the destruction of Arabs or even the Palestinians! This in spite of the fact that almost every Arab country including the Palestinian charter has called for the destruction of Israel! In face Arab justification for the wars they started was to push the Jews into the sea! Funny how they never mentioned your immigration of purchase of land issue.
Jews do not have equal rights in 90% of Arab countries because of Jewish immigration to Israel? Is it because we buy land? Or because of the settlements?
Bottom line Andy, besides your liberal condescending attitude you are a fool. You have no facts, you have no history.
I suggest you actually visit my country Israel and learn a bit about what you are so biased about. I know it's difficult, as a liberal, to understand but one who disagrees with your made up view on history is not called dishonest but rather right!
Learn some history!
Please point out which facts you found to be lies.
I'm waiting...
Stop all the hating and start realizing the Jewish people have given tremendous amount to the world!
While I do appreciate you stopping over and commenting on my "so called" historical facts, the proof is on you.
I do not really care what your friends claim and no I will not give you sources. If you have facts to contradict bring them, if you don't, you have just made yourself look really stupid.
Good day.
"Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed.... in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a NATIONAL HOME for the Jewish people"
There is a HUGE difference. Sykes-Picot did not have the international authority of the San Remo Peace Conference, or the League of Nations.
So nice to see you hear.
Considering I exposed your fake followers on Twitter and your very lonely blog where unlike you I responded with facts, you are a full fledged ignorant bigot.
The only reason I left your comment here is so people can see just what kind of immoral people side against Israel
Even if they had no official government, the fact that they opposed Israeli rule so strongly in an Arab homeland, that they ended up coming together and creating an official government to oppose Israel from controlling their land is a testament to their passion for home.
Furthermore, since when does the lack of an organization of government give others the right to come in and impose that government on them? My own country did that - the United States versus the Native Americans. Our imperialist culture imposed upon the natural rights of their indigenous culture. I still consider that to be morally wrong, as do many other people.
I have started a petition, by the way. Why don't you guys take Wyoming so there won't be any more issues? You guys keep murdering each other over there, and due to the art of misinformation, no one really seems to know the truth anymore. I can't prove, but I doubt that even all of your "facts" are actually fully, 100% accurate, without you having been manipulated at some point (between 1. what really happened - 2. what was perceived - 3. what was relayed - 4. what was published - 5. what was historically documented - 6. what has been manipulated for support).
Sign the petition to move you guys to Wyoming, instead. Here it is:
I appreciate you taking the time to comment with absolutely zero content. It's not about government, it's about the fact that NEVER in the history of the world was this area a Palestine Arab homeland. The entire occupation claim is a historical fabrication.
Unlike the USA which was NOT governed by anyone this area was under British control and then the UN. NEVER was it a national Arab Palestine anything and therefor they simply have no national claim to it.
Wyoming sounds interesting however you might want to invite the
'Palestinians since they have no historic, national or religious claim to this land. Killing each other? Israel NEVER started or wanted a war and we don't have a charter calling for the destruction of others. Israel has a 20% Arab population and Arab growth in Israel is up 600%. There is not a single Islamic regime that has a positive Jewish population growth. Your views are either naive, based on ignorance or bigotry. Which one is it?
You can't prove but you doubt my facts are accurate? That is perhaps the most ridiculous response I have heard yet.
Why don't you just say, you can't prove it and have no facts but you still have something against the Jewish State.
There is a word for baseless hate of something Jewish, can you figure it out.
Kol Tuv.
'Although Britain promised a Jewish homeland throughout the area known as Palestine His Majesty betrayed those promises in 1922.'
'What was promised to be the Jewish homeland of over 40,000 sq miles was now only 8,000 sq ml. This deceitful betrayal of the British Mandate towards the Jews faced absolutely no consequence.'
What consequence would you suggest be suitable for a country that gives something for nothing? All be it, according to your article, less than 'promised'... but still something for nothing.
As an added note, this article was incredibly bias, and by painting Israel as a state that is completely innocent of wrongdoing you simply undermine your article.
While I do appreciate you taking the time to comment on my blog, I would also appreciate you bringing anything to back up your comments.
I never said the British owed anything, I just brought the simple historic facts.
The area was coined as Palestine by the Romans as they ransacked the area and occupied from the Jews. They renamed it Palestina in an attempt to strip the Jews of their connection to the land of Israel.
I never asked for a consequence, just stated the simple facts that Britain crossed the Jewish people...twice!
In terms of your "added note" I never said Israel was perfect, I said we are historically in the right while an Arab people who call themselves Palestinians have no religious, historic or national rights here.
I would appreciate you telling me which part of this post was biased and untruthful?
First of all they weren't called Palestinians by anyone, they were called Arabs.
Second the 1929 Hebron Massacre of Jews along with the Mufti teaming up with Hitler would give destroying witness to your ridiculous claim.
The Palestinian coin was minted by Jews for inhabitants of Britihs Palestine and it was BOYCOTTED by the Arabs!
Zionism is the movement to return jews back to the Land of Israel so yes, it is a very Jewish movement.
The killing of Arabs happens in wars they start.
Oh, btw, you completely ignored the post and piled on a mound of lies in order to completely deflect the point of the post which was, NEVER did Israel occupy an Arab country called palestine.