Palestine aka Greater Israel is Jewish territory according to International law and treaties, additionally incorporating the January 3, 1919 Faisal Weizmann agreement executed by both parties in London on January 3, 1919.

The Law of Return is for The Jews and reciprocating equity by the Arabs
The Law of Return is for The Jews, the option to return to Greater Israel and The Arab-Palestinians to leave Greater Israel and return to the Arab countries they originated from. The Arab-Palestinians should move to the Million plus Jewish homes and land confiscated by the Arab countries from the million persecuted and expelled Jewish families and the 120,440 sq. km. of Real estate property the Arabs confiscated from the million plus Jewish families and their children expelled from Arab countries. That is the only viable alternative. (why are we ignoring the Faisal Weizmann agreement of January 3, 1919 which is the only valid agreement executed by both the Arabs and the Jews). In reviewing various legal aspects of agreements and resolutions to be applied to third parties, all resolutions by the UN which are recommendation only, must be executed and agreed to by the parties otherwise they have no validity. Therefore, any and all resolutions issued by the UN which have not been executed and agreed to by the parties have no affect and are null and void. This applies to any of the League of Nation and the UN resolutions that affect the territories and boundaries of Israel and any other resolutions that affect Israel. That leaves us back to the territory allocated by the San Remo Conference of 1920 and its confirmation by the Treaty of Sevres and Lausanne, which is all of Palestine. (By the way I have the minutes of the 1918-19 Paris Conference, The 1920 San Remo Conference and The Treaty of Sevres which was executed by all the Supreme Allied Powers).
The Law of Return is for The Jews and reciprocating equity by the Arabs
The Law of Return is for The Jews, the option to return to Greater Israel and The Arab-Palestinians to leave Greater Israel and return to the Arab countries they originated from. The Arab-Palestinians should move to the Million plus Jewish homes and land confiscated by the Arab countries from the million persecuted and expelled Jewish families and the 120,440 sq. km. of Real estate property the Arabs confiscated from the million plus Jewish families and their children expelled from Arab countries. That is the only viable alternative. (why are we ignoring the Faisal Weizmann agreement of January 3, 1919 which is the only valid agreement executed by both the Arabs and the Jews). In reviewing various legal aspects of agreements and resolutions to be applied to third parties, all resolutions by the UN which are recommendation only, must be executed and agreed to by the parties otherwise they have no validity. Therefore, any and all resolutions issued by the UN which have not been executed and agreed to by the parties have no affect and are null and void. This applies to any of the League of Nation and the UN resolutions that affect the territories and boundaries of Israel and any other resolutions that affect Israel. That leaves us back to the territory allocated by the San Remo Conference of 1920 and its confirmation by the Treaty of Sevres and Lausanne, which is all of Palestine. (By the way I have the minutes of the 1918-19 Paris Conference, The 1920 San Remo Conference and The Treaty of Sevres which was executed by all the Supreme Allied Powers).
Face it and stop hallucinating, once and for all. There will never be an Arab-Palestinian State in Greater Israel West of the Jordan River (Judea and Samaria). Jerusalem the United Eternal Capital of the Jewish people.
Responding to arguments that million Jews expelled from Arab countries has no bearing on the Arabs who left Palestine or Arabs displaced from Jewish land and or formerly Ottoman government land has nothing to do with each other. The law of equity in not a one way street, it works both ways. The Arab nations that expelled the million Jewish families (who lived in the Arab countries for over 2500 years and owned 120,440 sq. km. of land, homes, businesses and personal assets valued in the trillions of dollars) they are the ones who asked the Arabs in Palestine to vacate their homes while they obliterate the Jews and they are the ones supporting the Arab-Palestinians in demanding law of return and compensation. Those Arab countries are financing the Arab-Palestinians in their quest to eject the Jews a second time from their own historical ancestral homeland. The best and only solution is a population transfer.
YJ Draiman
Responding to arguments that million Jews expelled from Arab countries has no bearing on the Arabs who left Palestine or Arabs displaced from Jewish land and or formerly Ottoman government land has nothing to do with each other. The law of equity in not a one way street, it works both ways. The Arab nations that expelled the million Jewish families (who lived in the Arab countries for over 2500 years and owned 120,440 sq. km. of land, homes, businesses and personal assets valued in the trillions of dollars) they are the ones who asked the Arabs in Palestine to vacate their homes while they obliterate the Jews and they are the ones supporting the Arab-Palestinians in demanding law of return and compensation. Those Arab countries are financing the Arab-Palestinians in their quest to eject the Jews a second time from their own historical ancestral homeland. The best and only solution is a population transfer.
YJ Draiman
Over one million Jews and their families have been forced to flee from Arab countries and hundreds of Jewish communities have been ethnically cleansed throughout this century. Most of these refugees now live in Israel and their old homes are no more. The Arab countries confiscated the Jewish personal assets, businesses, homes and 120,400 sq. km. of Real estate property which is 6 times the size of Israel and valued in the trillions of dollars. In fact, Jews who immigrated to Israel from Arab and Muslim lands and their descendants constitute over 50% of Israel's population.
ReplyDeleteYJ Israel Draiman
16 hrs ·
The factual error – there were six invading Arab armies in 1948 – not 5: Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Iraq - Libya.
The ten critical omissions:
1. The Treaty of Sevres in 1920 signed following the San Remo Conference earlier that year.
2. The Mandate also recognized “the grounds for reconstituting their (Jewish people) national home in that country” – clearly indicating this was an international declaration recognizing the legal right of the Jews to re-create their historical ancient biblical homeland in the area where it had once existed without division to anyone else.
3. The right of the Jews to reconstitute their national home in that country was restricted in 1922 by the terms of the Mandate to an area comprising 22% of that country – whilst the groundwork for Palestinian Arab self-determination was reserved in the remaining 78%. The Jews accepted that restriction. The Arabs did not, therefore this partition is not valid.
4. The findings of the Royal Commission on Palestine (the Peel Commission) held in 1936.
5. The inclusion of article 80 in the UN Charter in 1945 preserved the rights of the Jewish people and the Palestinian Arabs as set out in the Mandate, was never agreed by the Arabs, therefore not valid.
6. Full independence was granted to the Palestinian Arabs in 1946 in the 78% of Palestine set aside for them in violation of international law and treaties in 1922 and that area was re-named The Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan. The civil and religious rights of the Palestinian Arabs living in the remaining 22% of Palestine were guaranteed by the terms of the Mandate, but rejected by the Arabs which invalidates the terms.
7. The forced dispossession and expulsion of every single Jew living in East Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria by the six invading Arab armies in the 1948 War and their inability to return there until 1967.
8. The unification of East Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria with Transjordan in 1950 and the renaming of the unified entity as Jordan and annexing it – whilst Judea and Samaria was called the West Bank.
9. The identification and creation of an Arab-Palestinian people in 1964.
10. Israel and Jordan are the successor states to the Mandate for Palestine – Israel being sovereign in 17% of Mandatory Palestine and Jordan sovereign in violation of International law and treaties in 78% – whilst sovereignty remains to be determined and allocated in the remaining 6% – Gaza, Judea and Samaria (West Bank) again in violation of international law and treaties. There was also the Arab-Jewish Agreement which is the Faisal Weizmann agreement signed and executed in London on January 3, 1919 and has not been annulled.
These ten critical omissions should be set out on tablets of stone.
Might I therefore respectfully suggest that this statement:
“The toxic narrative that prevents peace revolves around the rights of Jews to their historic homeland established in international law in 1920.”
be replaced with this statement:
“The toxic narrative that prevents peace revolves around the rights of Jews to reconstitute their historic homeland – established in international law in 1920 – in 22% of Palestine and the right of self-determination simultaneously reserved for the Arabs in the remaining 78% of Palestine”, provided it does not violate international laws and treaties and provided Israel, Jordan and the Arab-Palestinians agree to this partition and stop all hostilities.
Israel should send troops to arrest Abbas for inciting violence. He is not above the law - YJ Draiman
ReplyDeleteIsrael should send troops to arrest Abbas for inciting violence. He is not above the law.
Any person or group who incites violence against the Jewish people must be declared an enemy of Israel and treated as such.
If the Arabs cannot live in peace with the Jews in Greater Israel, the only solution is to evict them to Jordan or Gaza. Enough is enough. It's time for Israel to take off the gloves and take the necessary steps to protect the Jewish people in Israel. One of the fundamental obligation of the government is to protect its citizens at all costs.
Israel must adopt a policy of zero tolerance. By pacifying the Arabs and the world nations, Israel's government is failing to take care of the Jewish people. It should not be necessary to remind the government that the Jewish people have suffered for over 2000 years at the hands of other people or nations who terrorized the Jewish people in Diaspora.
Now the Jews in their own country must be protected at all costs. Israel has the power, means and resources to stop the ghetto mentality. Israel's government must overcome the leftist attitude and their delusional mentality, Israel must hit hard all terrorists and perpetrators of violence with a no reprieve, "damn the torpedoes" policy.
If the current government cannot protect its people, its time to change the government. Less talk and more action and results.
"In Israel; We have to undue and reverse the decades of nonsense that the peace industry has fermented, which led us to the position where the world thinks we the Jews are occupiers in our own ancestral land.
If something is false and it is repeated enough times it becomes sort of common wisdom.
We have to undo that."
Arab-Palestinians; you have to be a country first, which you are not, before you can be a country under occupation. Furthermore, the Arab-Palestinians have a State it is called Jordan which was created illegally from Jewish territory.
The UN cannot make a country for the Arab-Palestinians. They have no such authority under the UN Charter, Moreover, The UN cannot abrogate International law and treaties. The UN is only an advisory capacity and all UN resolutions must be accepted by all the parties in writing to be valid, The Arabs did not agree, therefore the resolutions have no meaning whatsoever.